Sunday, 31 March 2013

Setup, Run and Experience Chrome OS in Oracle VM VirtualBox before you buy Google's Chromebook

Are you planning to buy a Google?s Chromebook? Want to experience how it looks like before you decide? Then this is the post worth looking into. Here we'll see how to setup, run and explore Chrome OS in Oracle VM VirtualBox.

Setup, Run and Experience Chrome OS in Oracle VM VirtualBox before you buy Google's Chromebook

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Java Hello World Example using Eclipse IDE

This article describes how to create a "Hello World" java program using Eclipse IDE. This program will print "Hello World" in the console.

To read more please browse the following link

How to perform binary search on a java.util.ArrayList

This example shows how an element of a java.util.ArrayList can be searched using 'binarySearch' method of java.util.Collections class. This method internally applies binary search algorithm to search a particular element.

To read more please browse the following link

Invoke and Execute Hello World Ant Script Programmatically using Java Code

Apache Ant is an XML-based build tool to automate different tasks like compile, assemble, test source code, building deployment packages and run Java applications. This Hello World example shows how to invoke and run a simple Ant script programmatically using java code.

To read more please browse the following link